The town was paper, but the memories were not.
Aku tahu, mencintai dan melupakan, sama sulitnya.
People do that sometimes. Change.
It is not a sin to want to be loved.
There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
Brick is to blanket, as ellipses is to…
Caring is weakness, and weakness is death.
He’s beautiful and broody; what’s not to like?
The admission of ignorance is the beginning of wisdom.
What do writers look like?
Fair and unfair are for children
The best incentive for an artist are the harshest criticism
All paths lead me to you.
You are the keeper of my eternal secrets.
Totally present in this moment for you.
You and I will have our forever.
Drink from my emotional offerings.
Sometimes the best things in life are unexpected.
Gosh, even Roark noticed Dominique.
I'm a lion in a strange land.
Love and respect changes everything.