A Secret can change whole life.
Romance is the literature of hope.
In education, change is the only constant.
There are a lot of techniques for developing a character.
The world is increasing in wickedness.
I've stopped dreaming to believing in God
There is a price to pay for accomplishment.
What went wrong? Life: it goes on.
I take on daunting tasks.
Taste is the feminine of genius.
Comparison is the enemy to creativity.
Politeness is the poison of collaboration.
Resistance is the subtlest form of attachment.
'Concierge' comes from the Latin for 'slave.'
640K ought to be enough for anybody.
Eventually, all companies are replaced.
we are born and we are already dying
Never shake hands with a scorpion.
.it's allright not to know all the answers..
.be happy now, not when..