As is known worldwide, Japan has tried to catch up with the western countries since the beginning of this century by importing science from them.
We don't realize how hard it was to drive anywhere outside the major cities less than a century ago.
For a century after the reign of Frederick, Prussia remained the most prominent Germanic state in Europe.
As a historical legacy, the Kashmir conflict has been an outstanding issue for more than half a century.
Thinking begins only when we have come to know that reason, glorified for centuries, is the stiff-necked adversary of thought.
If there was a little shine of gold on the moon, the mankind would have been to the moon even in the 19th century!
You go back to the 17th century, the commercial and industrial centers of the world were China and India.
When I'm dead and gone, people will know that the twenty-first century was started by Alexander McQueen.
We Americans are the best informed people on earth as to the events of the last twenty-four hours; we are the not the best informed as the events of the last sixty centuries.
The late 20th century had just enough communication abilities to allow superstar-ness and communality to happen. It was a musical renaissance that rivals the visual one that happened in the 1400s.
Rosa Parks' courage, determination, and tenacity continue to be an inspiration to all those committed to non-violent protest and change nearly half a century later.
In this century of hyper-postmodern ideals, with the digital future, we're segmented into different people, places, and things in a constant state of change.
Bringing an end to mass government surveillance needs to be a central pillar of returning to the principles we have put in jeopardy in the early 21st century.
History may someday record that the Arab awakening that began with the Arab revolt of 1916 against the Ottomans ended about a century later with a whimper.
The financial history of the Baltimore and Ohio since the close of the nineteenth century is interesting chiefly in connection with changes in the control of the property.
I did a book in 1996, an overview of black history. In that process I became more aware of a lot of the black inventors of the 19th century.
Often the presence of mind and energy of a person remote from the spotlight decide the course of history for centuries to come.
We may repeat the awful revolutionary history of the 20th century because of the vulnerability of social movements to demagoguery.
The centuries-old history and culture of India, majestic architectural monuments and museums of Delhi, Agra and Mumbai have a unique attractive force.
Anyone who was alive during the outbreak of the bubonic plague in the 14th century experienced something terrifyingly close to the widespread death and chaos of an apocalyptic event.
We are not in Afghanistan for the sake of the education policy in a broken 13th-century country. We are there so the people of Britain and our global interests are not threatened.