Virgil Malloy: Are you a man? Turk Malloy: Yes, nineteen. Virgil Malloy: Are you alive? Turk Malloy: Yes, eighteen. Virgil Malloy: Evel Knievel. Turk Malloy: ...shit.
Science has done more for the development of western civilization in one hundred years than Christianity did in eighteen hundred years.
Captain Clarke who had gone out yesterday with eighteen men to bring in the meat we had killed the day before, and to continue the hunt, came in at twelve o'clock.
I like the idea of an enlightened principality. In the early eighteen-hundreds, in Germany, there were princes who built schools, streets, homes. I like that.
In my second year in Los Angeles, when I was eighteen, I wasn't getting any bookings, so I stopped going out, stopped partying. It was a matter of getting to the work. I had to focus.
It was like he'd sprung fully-formed from my eighteen-year-old fantasies, the hot History teacher who just couldn't help himself.
Frickin' hit me with the speeding car, now. Take away my intense craving to force myself against him and taste his lips.
took no exercise, indulged in no amusements, and worked incessantly, often spending eighteen or nineteen hours out of the twenty-four in writing.
Some of my ancestors were religious dissenters who came to America over three hundred years ago. Others were abolitionists in New England in the eighteen forties and fifties.
I got to New York when I was eighteen. I was knocking around, trying to be an actor, writer, musician, whatever happened.
I guess there's a Use By date when it comes to blaming your parents for how messed up you are. I guess that's what turning eighteen means. Time to own it.
I come from a generation that suffered school lessons in portacabins and crumbling hospitals. I tell you one thing, for the eighteen years they were in power the Tories did nothing to fix the roof when the sun was shining.
I thought if my son was now eighteen years old and he was tempted to join the fight and take the burden of protecting his family - because it's always tempting especially for young men - what would I do as a mother to stop him?
Eighteen fifty-eight was a year of great technological advancement in the West. That was the year when Queen Victoria was able, for the first time, to communicate with President Buchanan, through the Transatlantic Telegraphic Cable. And they were the...
Eighteen months before I was born, my mother was in Auschwitz. She weighed 49 pounds. She always told me that God saved her so she could give me life. I was born out of nothing.
When I was rising eighteen I persuaded my parents to let me return to Australia and at least see whether I could adapt myself to life on the land before going up to Cambridge.
There is nothing about resilience that I can say that my father did not first utter silently in eighteen years of living inside a two-dimensional cutout of himself.
I was eighteen when I first read Joseph Heller's stunning work 'Catch-22,' and was at that time close to being drafted for the fruitless and unenlightened war in Viet Nam.
Ben Fong-Torres: A Mo-Jo, it's a very modern machine that transmits pages over the telephone! It only takes eighteen minutes a page!
Connie, giving her thoughts on why Vinnie's hot temper is less than normal, says: "Lucille must have fed him a Vallium smoothie this morning.
People get stupid when they're in love; people want what they can't have; and the years between ages twelve and eighteen always, always suck.