It's important that our children are raised to be educated, well-rounded tax-paying citizens that understand the importance of technology and science.
We have been deformed by educational and religious institutions that treat us as members of an audience instead of actors in a drama, so we become adults who treat democracy as a spectator sport.
When you educate a girl, you kick-start a cycle of success. It makes economic sense. It makes social sense. It makes moral sense. But, it seems, it's not common sense yet.
Every man who rises above the common level has received two educations: the first from his teachers; the second, more personal and important, from himself.
You get the feeling that on a lot of days the audience for most music would kind of rather not be faced with the artist, especially because we've been educated to think that the artist are these special creatures are otherwordly and aren't like us.
Socrates' fame spread all over Greece, and the most respected and educated men from all around came to him, in order to enjoy his friendly company and instruction.
First of all it's usually women who run these higher primate sanctuaries, rarely men. They are white. They come from privileged backgrounds. They are educated.
The best asset any good father can will to his children is education because it is the key to an undiluted successful life
Curiosity is the very basis of education and if you tell me that curiosity killed the cat, I say only the cat died nobly.
Meaningful student involvement is the process of engaging students as partners in every facet of school change for the purpose strengthening their commitment to education, community & democracy.
It's really seeing student involvement … as a variety of opportunities that are appropriate for each given student and responsive to their individual needs and their desires for their educational experience.
I don't think anybody, actor or marine, is ever going to enjoy boot camp. It certainly wasn't at all enjoyable. Informative and educational, yes, but it was pretty tortuous.
Between natural ability and education choose natural ability, as it will keep you happy and will fetch you the glory sooner.
Educated and productive young people are needed to help lift their countries out of poverty and create a wealthier, more secure world.
The working class had imposed upon them a sterile and authoritarian educational system which mirrored the ethos of the corporate workplace.
Science is observing truth in the light of head. Religion is observing truth in the light of heart. Humanity is using both the lights. And education is developing that humanity.
It amazes me when education, religion and family values fail to create a human being.
Originality, not Intelligence, is the sign of a brilliant Author. All the Education in the world won't help someone who can't think for themselves.
Education stuffs you full of ideas without the coinciding experience that gave rise to those ideas in the first place, giving you incorrect perspective and notions.
Most educated Indians are bilingual. Amongst the urban elite though, there is a disdain for regional languages. That's unfortunate.
Wrote my way out of the hood...thought my way out of poverty! Don't tell me that knowledge isn't power. Education changes everything.