Getting an education is an awfully wearing process!
A journey is time suspended.
The idea that only the educated are privileged is an illusion.
Educated men are so impressive!
Sometimes, the way around prejudice is education.
Education. Experience. Or are they the same thing?
Your educators can only be your liberators.
Education is for freedom - freedom from mental slavery.
There is nothing unhealthy about educating youngsters about nutrition.
I am an educator who thinks globally.
The secret of education lies in respecting the pupil.
Education is the process of turning cocksure ignorance into thoughtful uncertainty.
I'm a better and more educated person because of basketball.
Segregation shaped me; education liberated me.
Producers are so much better-educated in issues related to terrorism.
In Scouting, a boy is encouraged to educate himself instead of being instructed.
A sense of curiosity is nature's original school of education.
Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel.
The educated Southerner has no use for an 'r', except at the beginning of a word.
All television is educational television. The question is: what is it teaching?
Irish people are educated not only about artistry but local history.