Sick people have no friends.
Absent people do not inherit.
It is good to pay with other people's money.
Damaged people gravitate towards damaged people.
If there are dominant teams, people enjoy discussing whether that's good or bad for the game, and if there aren't any dominant teams, then people enjoy discussing that.
I think there are a lot of good people, a lot of good football guys in the NFL.
The biggest mystery of the people is "The People".
Diet food is for lazy people.
I like to think I don't make music for ignorant people.
Politics is a people business. I like people.
My parents are pretty cool people.
Most Americans are very cool people.
In America, the people are not subjects of government, the government is subject to the people.
Healthy people live with their world.
I've always surrounded myself with funny people.
People do not win people fights. Lawyers do.
I'm a people's man - only the people matter.
I don't attack innocent people.
Peace is the key to unlocking good people.
some soap opera, you know, real people pretending to be fake people with made-up problems being watched by real people to forget their real problems.
But the people who mattered were the people you chose instead of the people who were yours by an accident of birth. Real family was heart as much as, if not more than, blood.