Statements of ordinary people are ignored like poor freebies, statements of great people are accepted like profound philosophy.
Check the history, more people died for freedom than love, people need freedom before they need love.
People ask, how can a person abuse a child? I ask, how can so many 'good' people not do anything about it?
What people are tired of, the people who agree with me, what they're tired of is listening to that sound, the sound of the people who've given up.
I repeat... that all power is a trust; that we are accountable for its exercise; that from the people and for the people all springs, and all must exist.
There are only two kinds of people in this world, Mr. Sallinger: people who rise above that suffering and people who let it define them." (The Ables)
Helping people and putting smiles on their faces is a great, great thing. God only knows why more people don't do it more often.
The people don't run the system; the people are victims of the system. The people choose the leaders thinking that they will help them. But when they turn around, there is no help.
I want to be surprised by what people do, I don't want to work with people who need to be told what to do. I want people to show me what they've got.
When you're talking about people like Shonda Rhimes, Vince Gilligan or Beau Willimon, you're talking to people who are notable and celebrities in their own right. People want to know how their brains work.
Dublin people think they are the center of the world and the center of Ireland. And they don't realize that people have to leave Ireland to get work, and they look down on people who do.
There's really not much that people can pick on me for my work, so obviously they find other reasons to write something bad about me. I mean, people enjoy reading bad stuff about people.
The poorest people are the sweetest people.
I have the people behind me and the people are my strength.
Now it makes sense, for example, if the children are taking a vocabulary test of 100 words, and one of the kids misses thirteen of them, to give him an 87 percent. But we go far beyond this. A student writes an essay on a sunset, let us say, and the ...
The more I think about myself, the more I'm persuaded that, as a person, I really don't exist. That is one of the reasons why I can't believe in any orthodox religion: I cannot believe in my own soul. No, I am a chemical compound, conditioned by envi...
If we can't think for ourselves, if we're unwilling to question authority, then we're just putty in the hands of those in power. But if the citizens are educated and form their own opinions, then those in power work for us. In every country, we shoul...
The problem with your company is not the economy, it is not the lack of opportunity, it is not your team. The problem is you. That is the bad news. The good news is, if you're the problem, you're also the solution. You're the one person you can chang...
Rather than seek to be squired and dated by their rivals why should it not be possible for women to find relaxation and pleasure in the company of their 'inferiors'? They would need to shed their desperate need to admire a man, and accept the gentler...
Illness and death are not the only consequences of the lack of access to water; it also hinders education and economic development. Widespread illness makes countries less productive, more dependent on outside aid, and less able to lift themselves ou...
Men are visually aroused by women's bodies and less sensitive to their arousal by women's personalities because they are trained early into that response, while women are less visually aroused and more emotionally aroused because that is their traini...