I've probably saved thousands of peoples' lives with my educational message on snake bites, how to get in around venomous anything.
Unless we have a well-educated people, we're vulnerable on our national security.
Education is important because, first of all, people need to know that discrimination still exists. It is still real in the workplace, and we should not take that for granted.
My grandfather could barely read. My grandmother had a sixth-grade education. They were people who were industrious. They were frugal.
One thing is for sure: most of the people admitting candidates to universities for technical subjects are pretty dissatisfied with the level of math education.
The zeitgeist is for cutting spending and balancing the budget. But I do not want the Republican Party to be perceived as putting the budget ahead of people, jobs and education.
I think integration in Norway is, by all standards, going relatively well. People are working, taking education, learning the language.
We are not in Afghanistan for the sake of the education policy in a broken 13th-century country. We are there so the people of Britain and our global interests are not threatened.
Around the world, human traffickers trick many people into slavery by false promises of good jobs or good education, only to find themselves forced to work without pay, under the threat of violence.
I think food and education will help stem the poverty of the young people who are being drawn into terrorism every day.
Taxpayers will not stand for - nor should they - the funding of poster sites, leaflets or advertising. What people will support is funding for political education, for training, for party organization.
We are told there is not enough money for education, but somehow there is enough money for people to raise billions of dollars to defeat somebody in an election? Oh! Okay! Does that make sense?
A lot of people criticize the primaries, but I think they are absolutely essential to the education of the President of the United States.
There is nothing of any consequence in education, in the economy, in city planning, in social policy that does not concern black people.
Our philosophy precedes from the belief that sport is an inalienable part of the educational process and a factor for promoting peace, friendship, cooperation and understanding among peoples.
Where you have 20 people who all share roughly the same educational and life experiences, they're going to come up with the same solutions to the same problems.
We have always moved with this approach of sharing and educating people with what they can unlock with 3D printing.
We must encourage people to get educated, to get tested, to get involved in the fight against AIDS.
I think that people need to become more educated about money. We need to stop creating systems that benefit only the most-cutthroat sharks.
The work of WikiLeaks is with principal documentary evidence; that's where the truth lies. It gets to the heart of the matter. It educates people and in turn empowers them.
All real education is the architecture of the soul.