With the crime novels, it's delightful to have protagonists I can revisit in book after book. It's like having a fictitious family.
I seem to have to make my characters family before I can access their hearts in any way that matters.
I say, If everybody in this house lives where it's God first, friends and family second and you third, we won't ever have an argument.
I've been to all 50 states, and traveled this whole country, and 90 percent of the people are good folks. The rest of them take after the other side of the family.
To each other, we were as normal and nice as the smell of bread. We were just a family. In a family even exaggerations make perfect sense.
I am the baby in the family, and I always will be. I am actually very happy to have that position. But I still get teased. I don't mind that.
I live in a beautiful part of the world - western New Hampshire along the Baker River - and my family and I spend a lot of time outdoors.
The only reason I got married in 2003 was for my children. I had a therapist who said marriage is really a container for a family, and that made sense to me.
I'm not one about trying to slow things down. What I try to do is create an atmosphere for my family where we can pretty much have whatever.
Some people recovering from drugs or alcohol stay with the programs indefinitely, making the recovery program their family, a long-term source of attention rewards.
My family gave me values that have sustained me through situations that would challenge any person. My personal relationship with the Lord inspires me in all I do.
If you want to see mankind fully, look at a family. Within the family minds become organically one, and for this reason the family is total poetry.
Pious XII was too neutral to mention the gas chambers; decent people like my own family were turned into devils by crude Christianity.
If family violence teaches children that might makes right at home, how will we hope to cure the futile impulse to solve worldly conflicts with force?
My mother isolated herself from all family and friends for some 20 years. And never met her grandchild, my son.
I am an eighth Chinese, and I come from a large Chinese-American family in Los Angeles.
Sleeping with your child, wearing your child in a sling as opposed to pushing them around in expensive strollers, those are things that matter biologically and sociologically for the structure of a family.
Childbirth changed my perception of my wife. She was now the bloodied special forces soldier who had fought and risked everything for our family.
When I was young, I grew up in a family of working-class people. Not just my parents, but my extended family, as well.
I came from a poor family. My father was from Glasgow, Scotland; my mother's brothers were brakemen on the railroad. We didn't have anything but mush for breakfast.
The big thing in my family growing up is that everybody had to play a musical instrument. We were like the von Trapps.