I always work the same way, starting from the beginning of the weekend, so I know at the beginning of the race, from all that I have analysed during the practice, whether I will win the race or not.
Smart Ass: We searched Valiant boss. The will ain't on him. Judge Doom: Then frisk the woman. Greasy: *I'll* handle this one... [He puts his hand down her dress and feels around for a beat before screaming in pain and removing his hand which has been...
Inherent in all persons does be, Love and compassion unfailingly. Give to others your love freely, And receive in turn love purely. [112] - 4
[48] - 4 Dispelling fear but knowledge be, Replacing our doubts completely, Nothing need be feared undoubtedly, But must be comprehended absolutely. [49] - 4
2.15 GRIEF All the grief of every man, Remove himself – he only can, For this grief that be within, Be caused by his own thinking. [110] - 2
4.39 HUMANITY & DIVINITY When you lose reasoning you forget humanity, When you forget laughter you lose Divinity. [222] – 4
3A.02 WAR Expenses for war equipment, Training and peoples recruitment, Be at the cost of hunger and pride, Humanity be charred in this ride. [196] - 3A
All make mistakes but the important thing then should be, Learn from them and do not repeat them subsequently. [230] - 4 (Thoughts)
Silence - best answer for all the questions does certainly be, Your smile - best reaction to all the life’s situations positively. [228] - 4 (Thoughts)
Life as a mountain – so rugged and hard to climb definitely, But once you get to the top the view is beautiful indisputably. [225] - 4 (Thoughts)
Of all the times - Time be the recorder, Of all the things - Time be the robber, Of all the sorrows - Time be the healer, Of all the powers - Time be the taker. [6] - 4
Sydney: I like Latin. It's fun. Eddie: I can't believe you think we're the strange ones.
Is that a bulletproof vest? See, now that's so insulting. That's like saying I'm not smart enough to shoot you in the head." Eddie DeChooch
I've never really been very good at marriage. It's one of my failures. I've tried my best, but I do realise the common denominator is me; it's something I'm doing.
He has ' '. Eddy fumbled for her high school French. 'A heart like an artichoke?' ' . He has a leaf for everyone, but makes a meal for no one.
It's hard to say this about a guy like Eddie Van Halen, one of the greatest guitar players who ever lived, but he's really limited to a style and they're locked into it.
If I can win a Cup race, that would pretty much show my whole career that I've been able to win in everything I've gotten into.
I guess if you're not going to win the championship, you're better off taking the opportunity to win a Brickyard or a Daytona 500 than you are to make the Chase and then fizzle out.
I'm technologically challenged, so I finally hooked up Bluetooth in my truck so I can talk going down the road.
Do you have any ambitions outside racing? My main ambition at the moment, whether inside or outside racing, is to become Formula 1 World Champion.
Since I started in motor racing I've worked with people from all over the world. We are all here to go racing and prejudice will never play any part in that.