Eddie: [walks in with a bound and gagged Mr. Shirley tied with a big red ribbon] Ho ho ho, Merry Christmas, Clark. [to Mr. Shirley] Eddie: You about ready to do some kissing?
Eddie: If only I had that money Catherine and I gave to that TV preacher who was screwin' that hockey player. Clark: What about the kids? Eddie: His kids can fend for themselves.
Cousin Eddie: How do you like yours, Clark? Clark: Oh, medium rare, a little pink inside. Cousin Eddie: No, I mean your bun.
Eddie Valiant: GET OUT OF THAT CHAIR!... That's my brother's chair. Roger Rabbit: [looking at photo on desk] Yeah, where is your brother anyway? He looks like a sensitive and... SOBER fellow. Eddie Valiant: That's it. I'm calling the cops. Roger Rabb...
Lakini kabla Rais hajaendelea kuongea, na ‘John Murphy wa Kolonia Santita’, Mogens aliruka na kumnyang’anya simu. “Ambilikile,” Mogens aliita, akiangalia saa. “Brodersen,” Sauti ya upande wa pili ilijibu, baada ya sekunde kumi. “60111...
John Murphy amefariki dunia. Ndege aliyotoka nayo hapa, Dar es Salaam, ndiyo aliyotoka nayo Paris na ndiyo hiyo iliyoanguka katika mazingira ya kutatanisha. Watu waliobahatika kuing’amua fununu hii ni wachache na ambao hivi sasa hawajiwezi kabisa, ...
Detective Greenly: These guys are miles away by now, but if you wanna beat your head against a wall, then here's what you're looking for: they're scared, like two little bunny rabbits. Anything in a uniform or flashing blue lights is gonna spook 'em,...
Hawaii's the 50th state? I thought it was a suburb of Guam.
Murphy's law inverted: What can go right, will go right.
I got to work with Cillian Murphy and my dad, Jim Broadbent and Jodie Whittaker on 'Perrier's Bounty.' It was a small part, but it was really special.
[last lines] The Old Man: Nice shootin', son. What's your name? RoboCop: Murphy.
I have detected disturbances in the wash.' 'The wash?' 'The space-time wash.' 'Are we talking about some sort of Vogon laundromat, or what are we talking about?' 'Eddies in the space-time continuum.' 'Ah...is he. Is he.' 'What?' 'Er, who is Eddy, the...
We were playing a small club in San Diego and the power had gone out in the building. Eddie had a lighter and kept us lit backstage. We became very good friends and spent a lot of time together including hearing Eddie sing in some of the bands he was...
Greg Ginn was certainly a huge influence on my guitar playing. I put him up there with people like Eddie Van Halen. Eddie Van Halen changed everything; I don't necessarily like everything he did, but he definitely changed everything.
Most of my ukulele heroes were traditional players from Hawaii, like Eddie Kamae and Ohta-san. There may not be uke stars in popular culture, but there are certainly pop stars that play uke - George Harrison, Eddie Vedder, Taylor Swift, Train, and Pa...
Eddie: The entire British empire was built on cups of tea... Bacon: Yeah, and look what happened to that. Eddie: ...And if you think I'm going to war without one, mate, you're mistaken.
Big Chris: [after rear-ending Eddie outside of Harry's] You alright, mate? [Spots the bag of money he just gave to Harry in Eddie's lap] Big Chris: Cheeky bastard!
Cousin Eddie: Yeah, I bet you could use a cool one, eh? Clark: Now you're talking! [Eddie hands Clark his opened beer he'd been drinking and opens the last fresh one for himself]
Nice Guy Eddie: Alright, Mr. Fucking Compassion! I will call somebody! Mr. White: Who? Nice Guy Eddie: A fucking snakecharmer! What do you think? I'll call a doctor!
Eddie Valiant: Forget it. I don't work Toontown. R.K. Maroon: What's wrong with Toontown? Every Joe loves Toontown. Eddie Valiant: Then get Joe to do the job, 'cause I ain't going.
Roger Rabbit: What are we going to do, Eddie? What are we gonna do? What are we gonna do? Eddie Valiant: What's all this we stuff? They just want the rabbit.