One bipartisan policy tradition is to deny Americans the use of our own resources.
Conservation may be a sign of personal virtue, but it is not a sufficient basis for a sound, comprehensive energy policy.
It is easy to fall into the trap of believing that democracy will improve the function of policy.
I have a policy of not saying anything negative about anything another magician does.
Everything in our foreign and domestic policy is a question of issue for the American people to vote on.
White House officials acknowledge in broad terms that a president's time and public rhetoric are among his most valuable policy tools.
All policies should be guided by science, not just whose voice is the loudest.
Even before Sputnik, scientists and policy makers worried that not enough Americans were studying science.
The right combination is between a free economy and social policy that addresses the needs of society and creates equal opportunity.
The Colonel: It is not a soldier's duty to make policy. I follow my orders.
We have to abandon the conceit that isolated personal actions are going to solve this crisis. Our policies have to shift.
One of the first essentials is a policy of unreserved political cooperation with all the nations of the world.
Macroeconomic policy can never be devoid of politics: it involves fundamental trade-offs and affects different groups differently.
I want to be part of a different kind of celebrity, one that thinks not just about charity but policy.
It is said that the West had a global policy in regard to Islam. That is stupid. There isn't a global Islam.
I want to make a policy statement. I am unabashedly in favor of women.
The fact is, Bush's war policy has failed. It's failed! Who better to say so than Jack Murtha?
We must pass a national energy policy to continue our successes in the War on Terrorism.
The path to a sustained victory in Afghanistan lies in improving their economy, creating jobs for the Afghanis, strengthening their government and national services, getting the provinces to trust each other and work together, and eliminating the opi...
With drug use related harms, explanatory models are often presented as predictive tools, even though they ‘are [rarely if ever] predictive of consequent behavior’ or outcomes. Hence, we feel confident in asserting at outset, that prohibition base...
[Bob is explaining an insurance policy loophole to a Mrs. Hogenson] Bob: [whispering] Listen closely. I'd like to help you but I can't. I'd like to tell you to take a copy of your policy to Norma Wilcox on... Norma Wilcox, W-I-L-C-O-X... on the third...