The fighter loses more than his pride in the fight; he loses part of his future. He's a step closer to the slum he came from.
I would most like to do film or TV. Possibly theatre in the future, but I'm in L.A. a lot of the time at the moment and if I was going to do theatre it would be in London.
I look to the future because that's where I'm going to spend the rest of my life.
Nonetheless, I sense that it will be the task of the future to somehow synthesize the sheer diversity of our present resources into a more organic and well-ordered procedure.
We're not paying attention to the fact that Hillary Clinton is running in 2006. Everyone is looking to her for the future. It's the same with anybody else who's positioning themselves.
To that movement, consecrated by religious principle, sustained by an awful sense of justice, and cheered by the brightest hopes of future good, all our powers, talents, and attainments are devoted.
We must welcome the future, remembering that soon it will be the past; and we must respect the past, remembering that it was once all that was humanly possible.
Everything you need for better future and success has already been written. And guess what? All you have to do is go to the library.
My wish for the new millennium is for all children... to grow up wiser, and stronger and more prosperous for the future than ever before.
The worst thing that can happen in a democracy - as well as in an individual's life - is to become cynical about the future and lose hope.
It's a fine balance for an athlete in enjoying the moment and being really satisfied, say, with a run, and with your day, and knowing you can make it better in the future.
We need to take steps to strengthen and mend Social Security so that its promise of a secure retirement is just as real for seniors in the future as it is today.
A forecasting game is a kind of simulation, a kind of scenario, a kind of teleconference, a kind of artifact from the future - and more - that enlists the participants as 'first-person forecasters.'
I think the future stopped looking American when you think back to Blade Runner and Neuromancer, when it started to look more Japanese.
All you have to do is drive by the empty tennis courts and basketball courts and compare them to the skate parks... c'mon people, get with the program - the future is now!
There is never time in the future in which we will work out our salvation. The challenge is in the moment; the time is always now.
During the 1960s, the Shanghai of my childhood seemed a portent of the media cities of the future, dominated by advertising and mass circulation newspapers and swept by unpredictable violence.
Without ethics, man has no future. This is to say, mankind without them cannot be itself. Ethics determine choices and actions and suggest difficult priorities.
The fact is that all writers create their precursors. Their work modifies our conception of the past, just as it is bound to modify the future.
I shall go further and say that even if an examination of the past could lead to any valid prediction concerning man's future, that prediction would be the contrary of reassuring.
I'm not opposed to adoption. It's not in my immediate future because I'm on the move a lot and if I were going to be father I would like to be more grounded.