Focusing on the past is only a barricade to the future. Once you overcome that barricade, the possibilities are endless.
There will be plenty of other problems in the future. This is as good a time as any to get ahead of them.
To live a more balanced life, glance at the past, live in the present, and focus on the future.
I am not the #Prisoner of my #Past neither the #Slave for my #Future !!
I don't know about my future but i guess it will better then my past.
Love this quote from a teacher about their class "This is four walls around the future!
There are fashions in building. Behind the fashions lie economic and technological reasons, and these fashions exclude all but a few genuinely different possibilities in city dwelling construction at any one time.
The fall of one regime does not bring in a utopia. Rather, it opens the way for hard work and long efforts to build more just social, economic,and political relationships and the eradication of other forms of injustices and oppression.
If is the bond binding me to life, binding society to me, connecting me with nature and man, is not money the bond of all ? Can it not dissolve and bind all ties? Is it not, therefore, also the universal of ?
The most dangerous poison is the feeling of achievement. The antidote is to everyday think what can be done better tomorrow. Stay hungry.
Don't ever confuse my personality with my attitude. My personality is who I am. My attitude always depends on who you are.
Everything can be taken from a man but one thing - the ability to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances.
I believe the people who are most successful are those committed to bringing out the best in other people through awakening & empowerment.
Never forget who was with you from the start....The people who stick by you at your worst, deserve to enjoy being with you at your best.
Don't trust people whose feelings change with time... Trust people whose feelings remain the same, even when the time changes.
Make decisions even with incomplete info. You'll never have all the info you need. What matters is what you do with the info you have.
You know you have a transparency problem when citizens of a democracy need to rely on WikiLeaks for details on changes to laws.
Always remember: Power in the wrong hands can destroy the owner. The same power that gave victory to Samson is what destroyed him.
Always remember...the stronger your position in life, the more enemies you're gonna have .. while friends come and go.
I only back people with track record who can execute ruthlessly and flawlessly... Real matter the industry or company geography
Either find a way, or make one....You can bend but you can never break if you want to achieve excellence.