I think that if you become a parent, you stop being a child, and your position in relation to your parents changes.
some time a big event could not make you happy, but some time a small gift can change the geography of your face.
Don't violate the law, but don't reject an idea because it's illegal. You might be able to get the law changed.
It's not what you will get out of the books that is so enriching — it is what the books will get out of you that will ultimately change your life.
Changes to weather patterns that move crop production areas around - we'll adapt to that. It's an engineering problem, and it has engineering solutions.
I wish there was some way to get the law changed. They can write anything about you after you're deceased and there's nothing you can do about it.
This is the Bond of the new millennium. Everything is updated, from the action sequences to the interaction between the characters. All the elements reflect changes that have occurred in the world in recent years.
I was a controversial figure on my reservation when I was a kid. I was mouthy and opinionated and arrogant. Nothing has changed.
The Senkaku islands are inherently Japanese territory. I want to show my strong determination to prevent this from changing.
Sometimes losses in life are not losses at all. They are simply the evidence God provides, in order to build a story so profound, that it will cause social change.
It is not until you change your identity to match your life blueprint that you will understand why everything in the past never worked.
Every game is winnable if you change your mind about what the prize should be and your perspective about the players at the table.
The victory is not to change the mind of the critic; it is to evaluate what you can learn and discard, yet still walk away with peace in your heart.
If you are ever asked why you are single, tell them: It's because you haven't found someone amazing enough to change your status
I have no interest in changing Hollywood. Hollywood is a place so consumed by the spirit of the world that I don't even want to try to think about how to infiltrate that.
The assumption must be that those who can see value only in tradition, or versions of it, deny man's ability to adapt to changing circumstances.
E-mail also changed things in that you don't have to write a full document to discuss something. You can just send an e-mail to a list.
Winning a Grand Slam changes everything. There is so much off-court stuff to deal with. And there are expectations of keeping it going that make it tough.
If you consider that you are changing it mean that you are getting something And try to be different from yesterday, because it makes you confident
The Blues scene now is international. In the '50s it was purely something that you would hear in black clubs, played by black musicians, especially in America. But from the '60s onwards it changed.
I think a good book is a good book forever. I don't think they get less good because times change.