I wanted change and excitement and to shoot off in all directions myself, like the colored arrows from a Fourth of July rocket.
...like the emperor striding confidently along without clothes, convinced by them and their inward monitions that their criticism is effecting changes in society.
If we elect the same corrupt politicians every time, that's a very clear message that we don't want a change.
I know it sounds weird, but my definition of 'sexy' has changed as I've gotten older. And being smart and informed makes me feel sexier than any outfit.
I enjoy the details. I enjoy coming up with ideas for improving the script, changing scenes and deciding what locations and wardrobe should be - the process of making a film.
When you have kids, for me, it really changed me. I was always empathetic to other children, but now I'm so much more sensitive to children that aren't my own.
You can’t change the road you traveled from a child, but you can certainly take a different road for the journey into your future.
Strange, i thought i knew you well, thought i had read the sky, thought i had seen a change in your eyes.
While attendance at traditional churches has been declining for decades... the evangelical movement is growing, and it is changing the way America worships.
It's really fun to have a convection oven, even it if it's a little convection toaster oven. It really changes the way you bake.
Until Africa changes it's Mindset - It will forever be a "basket case" looking for international support, funding and charity. We need to Rethink Innovation
21st Century Managers must change their thinking because they are now in the business of managing Mindsets & thinking, which impacts actions and behaviors.
Rethink Success: Most people will never achieve past their existing levels, because they don't understand the importance of changing their Mindset
When I was a kid, of course I wanted to be the fastest, the loudest and the one with the biggest drum set, but obviously my aspirations have changed a bit since then.
I need COFFEE to help me change the things I can... and WINE to help me accept the things I can't!
Raising a child is a time of RAPID CHANGE! From the ages of 0 to 19, a PARENT can age over 30 years!
Part broken - part whole, you begin again. ( from 'Why books seem shockproof against change.' THE TIMES: BOOKS)
5 words of advice to reduce stress - "Connect with your Soul's power" or "Change your reality through Coaching".
The values of Islam are expressed by Muslims clearly. September 11 changed the world, and put Muslims on the spotlight.
To change situation move forward with wearing smile on your face who cares you are in pain
I am a phoenix rising from the ashes of my pain and suffering. Today I am reborn, today begins my growth and change.