It's so easy to make things complicated in business.
Dying is easy; comedy is hard.
The revolution is really easy to do nowadays.
Improvising political dialogue is not easy.
Animals are very easy to love and be friends with.
The genre of self-help for depression is littered with well-intentioned books that overpraise solutions and raise false hopes. It would be nice to defeat your depression in ten easy steps, but rarely is it so easy. Books that overpraise solutions pro...
If a book is easy and fits nicely into all your language conventions and thought forms, then you probably will not grow much from reading it. It may be entertaining, but not enlarging to your understanding. It’s the hard books that count. Raking is...
It’s not easy,” she says, in that voice that mothers have, that mix of unwanted knowledge and small consolation. “Whatever you had—I don’t know exactly what it was, and that’s fine. But it must not be easy for you. You miss him, and that�...
We're not alone--at least, we're alone only if we choose to be alone. We're alone only if we choose to go through life relying solely on our own strength rather than learning to draw upon the power of God.
It is time someone put in a good word for the petite bourgeoise. Unlike the working class and capitalists, who have never lack for spokespersons, the petite bourgeoise rarely, if ever, speaks for itself.
I think people give up, because it's the easy option, but my goodness; why would giving up be easy? Your living your life chasing anything to fill the void of what came about when you let go of everything that mattered? I'd rather fight like mad, for...
In this busy modernized age, it's easy to be blind to the light all around us. You see, there truly are real angels living among us that look just like you and I. If you pay attention, you can spot one because they're quite easy to find. They're the ...
One thing is for sure. Nothing in life is easy or certain. You'll be fighting until the end. And when you've overcome all chaos has to offer, those who had it easy will struggle. By fighting through it, you are giving yourself a skill some just do no...
Othic: [after Kowalewski had been killed by an RPG] [to Mcknight] Othic: There's a fucking rocket in him, sir! McKnight: Othic, cool off! Goddamn it! There's live ordnance, now get out! McKnight: [after pulling Kowalewski's body out of the humvee] So...
My type has a romantic soul. He'll make my heart and my brain fight over who gets him first. He does what's right, even when it's not easy - actually, especially when it's not easy. He knows the value of discipline, education, honor, and restraint. A...
Nothing has ever come easy for me.
It's so important and easy to be a kid at heart.
I like barbecuing because it's easy.
It is easy to react if everything is going great.
Life as a voice actress is tough. It's not an easy career.
None of These Will Come Easy.