Behind each person is an utter mystery, supreme value. The more we recognize this the better we ALL get.
Well, it's really no use our talking in the way we have been doing if the words we use mean something different to each of us...and nothing.
Our desire to grow, to make a place for ourselves… to know we have counted in the lives of others, is healthy and necessary to our existence…
Our response to the external conditions of our lives can be greatly altered by our perceptions of those conditions.
The vision one holds of one's life is so limited, reduced in scope to a moment, so that each person can make choices only within that narrowed reality.
Life moved in circles. Such was the path. What came would come again, breath to breath, until each riddled out the truth within. War was a path to the next, as sure as any, but lies gained nothing.
And thus Charles found himself wandering around a hotel, trailing federal agents as he held a cardboard coffee cup holder in each hand, instead of out killing misbehaving werewolves.
Let us choose one another as companions! Let us sit at each other's feet! Inwardly we have many harmonies - think not That we are only what we see.
The throbbing shimmy spread through my hips and thighs. I could have sworn my body started to glow as if light were shooting from my fingertips and each strand of hair.
The couple trapped behind the glass could fool anyone. They looked content with each other; they looked happy. Their embrace looked warm, subtle and safe. But anybody outside the mirror world could see the truth.
In ancient days, Deltora was divided into seven tribes. The tribesfought on their borders but otherwise stayed in their own place. Each had a gem from deep within the Earth, a talisman with special powers.
The world is your perception of it. Inside and outside always match - they're reflections of each other. The world is a mirror image of your mind.
The purpose of each incarnation is the transformation \ spiritual development of the individual. To the extent our day-to-day activities become harmonious with this purpose, that much peace and happiness we can experience
We each owe a death, there are no exceptions, I know that, but sometimes, oh God, the Green Mile is so long.
Refuse to become a victim of your circumstances and give a lift to your potentials each and every day against the wish of any obstacle you encounter!
They looked at each other. They weren't thinking anymore. The time for that had come and gone. Smashed smiles lay ahead of them. But that would be later. Lay Ter.
To a born-again atheist like myself, it is clear that each of us has multiple selves, talents, perceptions. But to the Roman Catholic, unity is all.
Look for the joy in each and every day. Just because it isn’t immediately obvious, that doesn’t mean it’s not there.
we hurt each other, when we destroy & kill by words or deeds. When we deface the spirit of humanity-we destroy ourselves in the process!
Ben Says: Help change our world...spread kindness around each day. You will make a difference! Timothy Pina Bullying Ben
Never have a limit to your dreams and plans. Life is a journey each and every moment. Live every moment to it's fullest.