Colors are vibrating light energies, each “color ray” produces a sound that affects matter.
The Art of HealingArt: The Keys to Power and AwarenessBeing a leader is making the people you love hate you a little more each day.
The Ask and the AnswerFriends help each other when they know...going up international hit men and stuff.
All Fall DownEach of us is merely a small instrument; all of us, after accomplishing our mission, will disappear.
In the Heart of the World: Thoughts, Stories and PrayersYellowdog, where does sorrow go?” He held his heart. “Lives here, in each of us.
A Horse Named SorrowLife is one fool thing after another whereas love is two fool things after each other.
The Happy Prince and Other TalesMen and women tried each other on, casually, like suits, rejecting whatever did not fit.
The Handmaid's TaleI'd like to point out that we've had zero problem reaching each other's mouths.
Isla and the Happily Ever After