Not every man remembers the name of the cow which supplied him with each drop of milk he has drunk.
Marriage is a journey of disasters, only to fall in love all over again, with the person that rescues you each time.
If you listen, you'll learn. If you talk over each other, you don't accomplish anything.
Let us make a special effort to stop communicating with each other, so we can have some conversation.
I know it sounds cliched, but if we just treated each other as we'd like to be treated ourselves, we'd all be doing a lot better.
After my first year of college, each course I took in every field was so boring that I didn't even go to the classes.
That's always been my test for what makes a story: is this something journalists would gossip with each other about?
Why is the rest of the world so overcrowded? Nobody lives in America! We're all squashed up on top of each other in London.
The pressure makes me more intent about each shot. Pressure on the last few holes makes me play better.
Do you know how many times my career has been close to rock bottom? Each time, I was like, 'Girl, figure it out. Reinvent yourself.'
Friends are only friends when the fights don't matter because you understand each other better in the end.
Love is like being on a small boat in the middle of the sea with no compass and no one to rely on except each other.
The different ness of races, moreover, is no evidence of superiority or of inferiority. This merely indicates that each race has certain gifts which the others do not possess.
Destroy all the barrier inside you and accept everyone with love. We are in each other all along. Be nonjudgmental but be loving.
Look at each failure as a deposit made into the account that will help you write the check for your next significant success.
Each test pilot I know considers him, or herself, now that there are women, to be the very best. It's very demeaning to step down the ladder once in a while.
Singing with others is an unmediated, shared experience as each person feels the same music reverberating in their individual bodies. Singing is part of our humanity; it is embodied empathy.
The intense happiness of our union is derived in a high degree from the perfect freedom with which we each follow and declare our own impressions.
I think family is very important in West Virginia and has long been so because the mountains made travel difficult in the past, and family members had to depend on each other.
People forget that keeping a band together is hard; man, it's really hard. All the cliches apply about living in each other's pockets; of it being a relationship, a marriage, a family.
We must remember that North Carolina is more than a collection of regions and people. We are one state, one people, one family, bound by a common concern for each other.