I felt it was really, really important, not just in the vein of feminist erasure or whatever but also just as an artist that I honored my work.
The painter's obsession with his subject is all that he needs to drive him to work.
If you had a record company believing in you enough to cut an album then you had better have the ability to work the album on the road.
Having an infant is difficult. It's a lot of work, and I didn't hire any help because I overestimated my own abilities.
I've seen composers work on 30 films at one go. So, eight or even 10 albums in a year is no big deal.
I have all the tools and gadgets. I tell my son, who's a producer, 'You never work for the machine; the machine works for you.'
I've had a couple of guys that I've had co-produce records with me through my career, and it's fun to work with a co-producer.
I work with brands that I personally connect with or personally use. For example, I was already driving the Suzuki Hayabusa long before I started endorsing Suzuki.
You've got to work. You've got to want an audience to sit forward in their chairs sometimes, rather than sit back and be bombarded with images.
The movie adaptations of stage musicals that I've seen, without exception, in my opinion don't work. A lot of people would disagree with me.
Things work out better when you're straight up.
The wittiest authors raise the very slightest of smiles.
The flower that does not smile at the branches withers.
A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it.
I think a lot of times we don't pay enough attention to people with a positive attitude because we assume they are naive or stupid or unschooled.
Who would want a face that hasn't seen or lived properly, hasn't got any wrinkles that come with age, experience and laughter? Not me, anyway.
Age should not have its face lifted, but it should rather teach the world to admire wrinkles as the etchings of experience and the firm line of character.
At the age of 16 I started performing with a dance band in the evenings and began earning more money than my father, but he was pleased for me.
It's such a thrilling part about being in a relationship at a young age, and all your feelings are apocalyptic, all your emotions are so huge.
I know virtually no one of my age who can remember a hug, or a smile from their father, or a 'Let's go play football.'
I believe in the power of song. Under the spell of the right song, passion is within reach, love is close by, and you are not alone!