Be more concerned with your character than your reputation.
I wanted to be able to say I was a Marine.
Winning isn't getting ahead of others. It's getting ahead of yourself.
Shun all vice, especially card playing.
Trust has to be earned, and should come only after the passage of time.
I'm Jewish, so I don't know much about Easter eggs.
I grew up in a bookish family, so I read very widely. I was omnivorous, really.
There are women for whom family is a priority, and they do it. It just wasn't as much a priority for me.
I have always drawn strength from being close to home.
America needs to be secure at home and abroad.
I will always call Darmstadt, Indiana, home.
I came face to face with death at thirteen years old.
I want for myself what I want for other women, absolute equality.
Gender equality will only be reached if we are able to empower women.
I am not a politician, and my other habits air good.
Too few people understand a really good sandwich.
There is nothing like a good bit of pain for taking the conceit out of one.
There are few sorrows, however poignant, in which a good income is of no avail.
Most people sell their souls, and live with a good conscience on the proceeds.
Familiarity with your lover is what initially makes sex really good.
Republicans have never been good at public relations.