The heated public discourse about the frequency of false rape allegations often makes no reference to actual research. When the discourse does make reference to research, it often founders on the stunning variability in research findings on the frequ...
The Librarian swung on. It was slow progress, because there were things he wasn't keen on meeting. Creatures evolved to fill every niche in the environment, and some of those in the dusty immensity of L-space were best avoided. They were much more un...
You have to be very specific when it comes to magic,” A-Through-L said sheepishly. “You must say things as carefully as you can. Magic is like a machine that only does exactly what you tell it to do. So you have to speak to it in a way it can und...
L. hat mir einmal, aber das ist lange her, gesagt, wenn Küsse eine Farbe hätten, müssten sie die Farbe von Himbeeren haben. Sie meinte auch, dass es Erdbeerküsse gebe und solche, die nach Himbeeren schmeckten. Ich konnte darauf nur erwidern, dass...
Jack sprung to his feet out of reach. "I'd prefer to finish this intact. " "My apologies,” Cabal said, grinning viciously. "l keep forgetting, you're only human." His smile softened to full amusement as Jack raised his sword in challenge. "Human or...
Marty McFly: Tough break, kid. Must be rough bein' named after a complete butthead. Marty McFly: What's that supposed to mean? Marty McFly: [Biff knocks on Marty's head with his cane] Marty McFly: Hello? Hello? Anybody home? Huh? Think, McFly! Think!...
Major Shears: You'll go on without me. That's an order. You're in command now, Shears. Major Shears: You make me sick with your heroics! There's a stench of death about you. You carry it in your pack like the plague. Explosives and L-pills - they go ...
When I was a young philosopher, I asked a senior colleague, Pat Suppes (then and now a famous philosopher of science and an astute student of human nature), what the secret of happiness was. Instead of giving me advice, he made a rather droll observa...
Brian: Want the head there, sweetheart? Come and get it! [Dwight jumps into the sewer, guns blazing] Brian: I coulda put a bullet in your ear just now, laddy, if I hadn't gone off and got me revolver all wet and useless. You got the drop on me love. ...
Finally Bill Mixter would lower his head, lay his bow upon the strings, and draw out the first notes of a tune, and the others would come in behind him. The music, while it lasted, brought a new world into being. They would play some tunes they had l...
[L]asting love is something a person has to to experience. Lifelong monogamous devotion is just not natural—not for women even, and emphatically not for men. It requires what, for lack of a better term, we can call an act of will. . . . This isn't ...
Existuje ještě jeden další rozdíl mezi logikou zjevného a skrytého vyprávění. Ve zjevném vyprávění existuje logická kauzální souvislost mezi vnějšími událostmi. Jonáš chce plout přes moře, protože chce utéci před Bohem, us...
Joshua's ministry was three years of preaching, sometimes three times a day, and although there were some high and low points, I could never remember the sermons word for word, but here's the gist of almost every sermon I ever heard Joshua give. You ...
La méditation âpre et profondément sérieuse sur la non-valeur de tout ce qui est arrivé, sur l'urgence qu'il y a à mettre le monde en jugement, a fait place à la conviction sceptique qu'il est, en tout cas, bon de connaître le passé, puisqu'...
Rev. Harry Powell: [when he notices John staring at the words "love" and "hate" tattooed across his knuckles] Ah, little lad, you're staring at my fingers. Would you like me to tell you the little story of right-hand/left-hand? The story of good and ...
So...Now that we got that over with, let's get back to love at first sight, Evan said. Not infatuation at first sight...Love. With a capital L, he clarified. Love? Heeb asked, playfully pretending not to know the concept. Yeah. The real thing. The co...
Esti singur in vartejul suferintei tale si daca vrei sa iesi trebuie sa tragi aer in piept si sa te scufunzi pana se sfarseste. Mai degraba iubeste-o pana cand iubirea ti se face apa si se scurge prin toti porii. Iubeste-o in absenta. Va fi ca si cum...
Top 10 Deathbed Regrets: 1. I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life other people expected of me. 2. I wish I took time to be with my children more when they were growing up. 3. I wish I had the courage to express my fee...
Acel gest simbolic de a o întrona pe Déesse Raison la Notre-Dame pare să fi însemnat pentru lumea apuseană ceva asemănător cu tăierea Stejarilor lui Wotan de către misionarii creştini, căci nici atunci, nici acum, fulgerul răzbunător nu ...
A pierde tot ce se poate pierde" Bărbatul este un animal indirect, Gingaş sufletul lui de neînţeles este. Umbra unei frunze o ţine în braţe, frunza nu, frunza nu. Fuga unui iepure o ţine pe câmp, iepurele nu, iepurele nu Foame îi e de ce n-...