The When Women Succeed, America Succeeds economic agenda will enable women to achieve greater economic security, raise wages for women and their families, and better allow working parents to support and care for their families.
But the central point is that any campaign against Iraq, whatever the strategy, cost and risks, is certain to divert us for some indefinite period from our war on terrorism.
One cannot wage war under present conditions without the support of public opinion, which is tremendously molded by the press and other forms of propaganda.
The first lesson is that you can't lose a war if you have command of the air, and you can't win a war if you haven't.
In World War II, the book you have in front of you, it was said and it is probably true, that there was not a single American who did not know the name of somebody serving in uniform.
It is only those who have neither fired a shot nor heard the shrieks and groans of the wounded who cry aloud for blood, more vengeance, more desolation. War is hell.
This war differs from other wars, in this particular. We are not fighting armies but a hostile people, and must make old and young, rich and poor, feel the hard hand of war.
It's the first war we've ever fought on the television screen and the first war that our country ever fought where the media had full reign.
In definitiv, cu cat vei ridica un zid mai inalt in jurul tau cu atat va fi mai bun cel care-l va sari.
I suspect Dr. Robert L. Webb may be theologically a 'hyper-Calvinist' of the Jesse Mercer persuasion." ~R. Alan Woods [2013]
Cartea a dovedit ce poate, și nu vedem un alt obiect mai bun pe care l-am putea crea pentru aceeași întrebuințare.
Jangan menikah hanya karena didesak umur. Menikahlah kalau kamu sudah yakin dengan calon pasanganmu dan yakin bahwa pernikahan adalah jalan terbaik (Luvi)
(...) before they actually admit to the big 'L' word. Love or lust - what's the big, damn deal? You're going to fuck either way, right?
Bitter? Nah. Parafrazandu-l pe Edison, n-am esuat la “the dating game”, doar am gasit 10.000 de femei care nu merg.
Our politicians, by their words and policies, either expand or contract the frontiers of freedom. We the people either monitor and encourage its progress, or witness and suffer its decline. (Scott L. Vanatter)
When I went to Amazonia, l went as the field doctor for biologists studying crocodile behavior. There's no way humans should have any encounters with crocodiles. You should stay away from them!
I used Vamps as a casting couch! I pretty much did, because I was casting 'L!fe Happens' while I was on the set of Vamps, and anybody I had ever worked with, I asked to be in this movie.
What is inner peace but a deeply held belief that your current situation is exactly as it should be." - L. R. W. Lee, Andy Smithson: Blast of the Dragon's Fury
You control whether you are happy. It's all your narrative and you can change it if you choose to." - L. R. W. Lee Andy Smithson: Blast of the Dragon's Fury
If you don't have a narrative, just make one up. You can always change it when you have more clarity. Any narrative beats no narrative." - L. R. W. Lee
Inside each of us is a child as insecure as ever. As adults, we've just learned how to cover well." - L. R. W. Lee, Andy Smithson: Blast of the Dragon's Fury