Everything with me is either worship and passion or pity and understanding. I hate rarely, though when I hate, I hate murderously. For example now, I hate the bank and everything connected with it. I also hate Dutch paintings, penis-sucking, parties,...
Elms are dying all over the place, it's Dutch elm disease. [...] It came from America on a load of logs, and it's a fungal disease. That makes it sound even more as if it might be possible to do something. The elms are all one elm, they are clones, t...
Sir," returned Mrs. Sparsit, " I cannot say that i have heard him precisely snore, and therefore must not make that statement. But on winter evenings, when he has fallen asleep at his table, I have heard him, what I should prefer to describe as parti...
Mrs. Almond lived much farther up town, in an embryonic street with a high number—a region where the extension of the city began to assume a theoretic air, where poplars grew beside the pavement (when there was one), and mingled their shade with th...
The book is almost always better than the movie. You could have no better case in point than FROM HELL, Alan Moore's best graphic novel to date, brilliantly illustrated by Eddie Campbell. It's hard to describe just how much better the book is. It's l...
Yes," Nicholas replied, in a bored voice. "The name is Dutch. Dragonwyck, meaning place of the dragon. It derives from an Indian legend about a flying serpent whose eyes were fire and whose flaming breath withered the corn." "Heavens!" With a light l...
Most of the big shore places were closed now. And there were hardly any lights except the shadowy, moving glow of the ferryboat across the sound. And as the moon rose higher, the inessential houses began to melt away till gradually I became aware of ...
Many well-meaning Dutch people have told me in all earnestness that nothing in Islamic culture incites abuse of women, that this is just a terrible misunderstanding. Men all over the world beat their women, I am constantly informed. In reality, these...
Gru: I have accepted a new job. Margo: Whoa! Really? Gru: Yes, I have been recruited by a top secret agency to go undercover and save the world! Edith: You're gonna be a spy? Gru: *That's* right, baby! Gru's back in the game with gadgets and weapons ...
Pike Bishop: You boys want to move on or stay here and give him a... decent burial? Tector Gorch: He was a good man, and I think we oughta bury him. Pike Bishop: He's DEAD! And he's got a lot of good men back there to keep him company! Lyle Gorch: To...
[Stout and Vanderleur are discussing how to get the Bailey bridge through town] Lt. Colonel J.O.E. Vandeleur: When you refer to Bailey crap I take it you mean that glorious, precision-made, British-built bridge which is the envy of the civilized worl...
Tector Gorch: Silver rings. Dutch Engstrom: [upset] "Silver rings", your butt! Them's washers! Damn! Lyle Gorch: Washers. Washers. We shot our way out of that town for a dollar's worth of steel holes! Pike Bishop: They set it up. Lyle Gorch: "They"? ...
Dutch Engstrom: [impressed] Well, I'd say those fellas know how to handle themselves! Sykes: They been fightin' Apaches for a thousand years; That's a sure way to learn. Pike Bishop: They ever get armed, with good leaders, this whole country'll go up...
In an effort to justify the prohibition of 186 species of mushroom, including the ‘offending’ psilocybin containing mushrooms sold to the public through smart shops, Dutch Minister of Health, Dr. Ab Klink, refers to the high instance of anxiety a...
It was awful to be Negro and have no control over my life. It was brutal to be young and already trained to sit quietly and listen to charges brought against my color with no chance of defense. We should all be dead. I thought I should like to see us...
Gold Two: [the Y-wings are running the gauntlet toward the Death Star reactor-port] The guns - they've stopped! Gold Five: [realizes why] Stabilize your rear deflectors... Watch for enemy fighters. Gold Leader: They're coming in! Three marks at 2-10!...
Lyle Gorch: All your fancy plannin' and talkin' damn near got us shot to pieces over a few lousy bags of washers. Well, this was goin' to be me and Tector's last job before we quit and headed south. We spent all our time and money a-gettin' ready for...
June Carter: [on stage w/John] We've got these people all revved up, John. Now c'mon, let's sing Jackson for 'em. Johnny Cash: You've got me all revved up. Now I've asked you forty different ways and it's time you come up with a fresh answer. June Ca...