Terry Ladd: Yeah, listen, we'd love to stand around and chat, but we've gotta... sit down in the lobby and wait for the limo. Derek Smalls: Ok. David St. Hubbins: OK. Great. Duke, great to see you. Great to see you again Terry. Derek Smalls: We'll ca...
I notice more than you could imagine.
Anzor "Duke" Yugorsky: [to Oleg] Where are you going? You do not walk out on The Duke!
But stay away from him, Juliana. When we said we wanted to make you a good match, Leighton was not who we imagined." "Because he is a duke?" "What? No," Ralston said, truly perplexed by her instant defensive response. "Because he's an ass.
The Duke has decreed that the Castle is not cold." The gentleman's lips are almost blue from this lack of cold. "And the Duke is right and correct in this as in all things." ...some very beautiful tapestries line the walls, but many of them are also ...
[last lines] Allie: Do you think our love, can take us away together? Duke: I think our love can do anything we want it to. Allie: I love you. Duke: I love you, Allie. Allie: Good night. Duke: Good night. I'll be seeing you.
She told herself that she was happy to meet her executioner.
It is true that the king has made a truce with the duke of Burgundy for fifteen days and that the duke is to turn over the city of Paris at the end of fifteen days. Yet you should not marvel if I do not enter that city so quickly.
It's the curse of motherhood. You're required to love us even when we vex you.
Any man, you'll soon learn, has an insurmountable need to blame someone else when he is made to look a fool.
Children and teenagers don't easily relate to stories about kings and dukes, and to tell only stories about kings and dukes is to ignore the regular people.
You got off on the wrong foot. I merely watched you shove it into your mouth.
Duke is an ugly word in Kentucky. Nothing in the world compares to the joy of beating those hateful swine from Duke.
Duke: How's it hangin' Harry? Harry: I keep trying to die, but they won't let me. Duke: Well, you can't have everything.
Duke & Duke receptionist: Yes Mr. Valentine, they're waiting for you in the last office down the hall.
Hitchhiker: Hot damn. I never rode in a convertible before. Raoul Duke: Is that right? Well... I guess you're about ready, then, aren't you? Dr. Gonzo: We're your friends. We're not like the others, man, really. Raoul Duke: No more of that talk or I'...
Raoul Duke: The telegram is actually all scrambled. It's actually *from* Thompson, not to him. Now I've got to go. I've gotta get to the race. Clerk at Mint Hotel: But there's no hurry, the race is over. Raoul Duke: Not for me. Clerk at Mint Hotel: [...
Joey Gazelle: [upon finding Anzor shot] What the fuck? Where's the kid? Huh? Where's the kid? Anzor "Duke" Yugorsky: Fuck him. I'm the one who's shot. Joey Gazelle: Who is he? Is he still in the house? Anzor "Duke" Yugorsky: The little snotfuck ran o...
President of Exchange: [Randolph Duke has just collapsed with shock] Mortimer, your brother is not well. We better call an ambulance. Mortimer Duke: Fuck him! Now, you listen to me! I want trading reopened right now. Get those brokers back in here! T...
Duke Henry: You Sir, are not one of my vassals... who are you? Ash: Who wants to know? Duke Henry: I am Henry the Red. Duke of Shale, Lord of the Northlands and leader of its peoples. Ash: Well hello Mister Fancypants. Well, I've got news for you pal...
Frank Burns: What's that? Duke Forrest: That's a martin-eye, Frank. Hawkeye Pierce: Finest kind. We're training Ho Jon to be a bartender. Would you care to embribe, sir? Frank Burns: I don't drink. Hawkeye Pierce: Jesus Christ, I think he means it. D...