Boxing was not the sport that I thought is was due to all the politics.
A clear conscience is due to a poor memory.
Io ero già tutto preso dalla porta e dalla brutta sensazione che mi aveva creato fin dal principio. Era una porta ad arco di fattura toscana, laccata di bianco, elegante e del tutto in sintonia con il colore smorto delle pareti esterne. Però l'idea...
I don't think it had ever occurred to me that man's supremacy is not primarily due to his brain, as most of the books would have one think. It is due to the brain's capacity to make use of the information conveyed to it by a narrow band of visible li...
Si era fatto amare, e usava quell’amore come un guinzaglio per condurmi, all’epoca non mi rendevo conto che il guinzaglio ha due capi, che deve averne due per forza, o smette di essere un guinzaglio, e che chi lo tiene in mano non è meno prigion...
Intuition is a suspension of logic due to impatience.
It takes 300 years, it seems, for the great bands to get their due.
I'm a believer in paying your dues.
Our religion, then, rests on the credit due to these witnesses.
I'm a New Yorker; I've paid my dues.
Indignation is often the best defense.
The credit of advancing science has always been due to individuals and never to the age.
There's a certain gravity in Stokes, due to the situations I have to handle.
Buying a home today is a complex process, but that in no way excuses home buyers from their obligation for due diligence.
But my longevity is due to my good timing.
The Constitution guarantees due process, not judicial process.
I live in the present due to the constraints of the time-space continuum.
40Wednesday has been canceled due to a scheduling error.
My natural mother died one month after I was born, apparently due to giving birth at an advanced age.
My block was due to two overlapping factors: laziness and lack of discipline.
Family responsibility, yes, and always. Family bankruptcy due to the cruel rules of government, no.