When you are positive you are the enabling force of possibility.
Simple Reminders: Inspiration for Living Your Best LifeObligation is a more effective weapon against the Will than any penalty, threat or act of force.
Sinew of the Social SpeciesWhat was a demon but a lost soul, one that had been forced to use his skills to survive.
The Story SistersViolence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor.
Starship TroopersI know that no reader ever asks a question. A writer must force his favors upon his readers.
Prague TalesSuch is my curse, Branwyn O'Tyre. Every woman I touch is forced to lavish her affections upon me.
Viking For HireA true friend finds a way to celebrate—even in the worst moments of life—and forces it upon you.
The Wanting HeartDeath is the force that will create your new life. It is a mechanism of transformation. Welcome it.
Wake Unto Me