If your eyes weren't open, you wouldn't know the difference between dreaming and waking.
Blood PromiseWhatever her dream was, it rested somewhere in the most vague of directions.
Bass Ackwards and Belly UpO human beauty, what a dream art thou, that we should cast our life and hopes away on thee!
Bryan ProcterKnowledge is king, a dream is his queen, and self destruction is his mistress.
44 Days of LeadershipPossibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting" - The Alchemist, Paulo Cohelo -
The AlchemistEverything I have ever wanted to be, every dream, every desire is reflected in your eyes.
Immortal EarthIt can take years to mold a dream. It takes only a fraction of a second for it to be shattered.
The Kiss of Deception