How bad could things be if my hair was neat? is by our actions that we are destroyed or saved. The choice is ours.
how anxiously I yearned for those I had forsaken.
We pretended to be of mud instead of stars. We pretended not to fly.
Adam translated, "Not death, but his brother, sleep.
You may need to change your dreams.
You have got what it takes to live your dreams.
Dare to overcome life difficulties to fulfil your dreams.
Pursue your dreams with all your might and soul.
You're supposed to be using your gifts and fulfilling your dreams, at every age.
too young to live, too old to die
Most of the dreams that have suffered to death were murdered by their own owners.
God is the source of wisdom for dream accomplishment. This is the principal principle.
At night I dream of things I scoff at by day.
What are we after all our dreams, after all our memories?
The dream is not a drug but a way. Listen to where it can take you.
Let this hell be our heaven.
The greatest dream that we can have is to forget that we are dreaming.
Life has it woes so learn to be on your toes, be alert.
I had a dream about you… but I don’t know you…who are you?
And Elvex said, "I was the man." - In "Robot dreams" (Short story)