And I couldn't make fun of her for that dream. It was my dream, too. And Indian boys weren't supposed to dream like that. And white girls from small towns weren't supposed to dream big, either. We were supposed to be happy with our limitations. But t...
Our dreams are little stories or puzzles that we must solve to be free, Sebastian said. He was reading out loud from Wilson's notebook. My dream is me offering me a solution to the conundrum of my life. My dream is me offering me something that I nee...
We are limited, not by our abilities, but by our vision. You gotta have a BIG vision to know what your abilities are. Don't be afraid. Fear limits YOU and YOUR VISION. It's okay to DREAM and dream BIG. KEEP YOUR DREAMS ALIVE. KEEP YOURSELF ALIVE. Don...
Don't ever ask for permission to follow your dreams. Follow them no matter fucking what. It's important. We have one life here and you are the author of your story, more than anybody else. You are much more responsible for your dreams coming true or ...
We plan our lives according to a dream that came to us in our childhood, and we find that life alters our plans. And yet, at the end, from a rare height, we also see that our dream was our fate. It's just that providence had other ideas as to how we ...
The American dream is dead for the majority of America.
Imagine the possibilities of your dreams.
Your dreams are unlimited possibilities.
Dreamers dream the dream, Artists live it.
Anything that ends is a dream. This whole universe is a dream.
I have a dream. . .
Let your dreams outgrow the shoes of your expectations.
To wear dreams on one's feet is to begin to give a reality to one's dreams.
There comes a point when a dream becomes reality and reality becomes a dream.
I've lived the American dream.
Dream a magnificent dream; now live it.
We grow from our dreams.
Life is not a dream to be dreamed but a story to be written.
I dream about running all the time.
We all look back at some time or other and wonder why we didn't listen to our instincts. Why did we hestiate? Why did we lose our dreams?
They may have been rightly overbearing in her formative years, but they also loved Roselyn enough to trust she needed dreams more than realities.