Hearing the blues changed my life.
Change has to be either good or necessary.
My entire personality changes when I'm in L.A.
What loves you changes you!
If we kiss, it will change everything.
Fear is the killer of fascinating change.
All the time I'm changing as an artist and as a person.
Global equations undergo changes, this is their nature.
The dynamic of a relationship changes when one person gets sober.
Yeah, I am a little bit, and I think it is a natural progression of the sport, of going upwards in technical ability and everything like that.
How success changes the opinion of men!
When you're through changing, you're through.
Absolutes are Coercion. Change is absolute.
Fear of change was a weakness
A lot changed when I had Natasha. I'm a survivor.
Love the game enough to change it!
Awareness is the fuel that powers change
Time can change the laws of physics.
Take a chance..., change a 'NO' to a 'YES'today.
You are the unchanging manifesting as the changefulness
I cannot drink or do anything that changes the mind.