It sets a dangerous precedent. For avoiding pain? For avoiding life.
I live not in dreams but in contemplation of a reality that is perhaps the future.
The kids are not brought up to have minds of their own as individuals.
'Tis safest in matrimony to begin with a little aversion.
The Devil, can sometimes do a very gentlemanly thing.
Everybody, soon or late, sits down to a banquet of consequences.
Once you are married, there is nothing left for you, not even suicide.
I regard you with an indifference closely bordering on aversion.
Nothing made by brute force lasts.
I was a God-fearing child, innocent and physically attractive.
I was forever reading outside of the field as well as in it.
I remember little of the Yukon or what I wrote there.
America is an unusually religious nation.
I'm a big supporter of President Obama.
O livro é um pássaro com mais de cem asas para voar.
Wild horses wouldn't draw it from you?
A true writer is someone the gods have called to the task.
Nirvana is not the blowing out of the candle. It is the extinguishing of the flame because day is come.
You can't cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water.
Love is an endless mystery, because there is no reasonable cause that could explain it.
Read books when you are free, read minds when you are'nt....but do read...