The great and glorious masterpiece of man is to live with purpose.
Speech belongs half to the speaker, half to the listener.
In a weak moment, I have written a book.
The character of a man is known from his conversations.
The chief beginning of evil is goodness in excess.
Move outside the tangle of fear-thinking. Live in silence.
The wound is the place where the Light enters you.
Der Bettler ruft, um seine Not zu stillen, Der Fromme ruft um seiner Seele willen.
Is it really so that the one I love is everywhere?
This poetry. I never know what I'm going to say.
Life's waters flow from darkness, Search the darkness, don't run from it.
I set off, off to kill the man I loved.
It takes a lot to become a foster parent.
My mind is like a gyre, and odd juxtapositions happen.
An injured lion still wants to roar.
Autobiography is a genre notorious for falsehood.
I'm pretty tenacious when it comes to problems.
I was indeed very slow as a youngster.
A hero is a man who does what he can.
People do not make wars; governments do.
The greatest security for Israel is to create new Egypts.