You are the sky. Everything else – it’s just the weather.
At life's most significant moments, we are always alone
Sometimes it's easier to show than it is to tell.
In these matters the only certainty is that nothing is certain.
The people who went on that airplane were unexceptional.
My definition of modernism took a while to develop.
All religions have always hated females.
Truth can prevail only in virtue of truth itself.
When a nation is surrounded by weaponized nations, she has to equip herself.
Today, India is a nuclear weapons state.
Rameswaram has, since antiquity, been an important pilgrimage destination.
Malice is only another name for mediocrity.
It got so ridiculous that I was like, there's no way this is going to last.
Cats don't need to be possessed; they're evil on their own.
Irreverence is our only sacred cow.
I rather like getting away from fiction.
I didn't want it to be a book that made pronouncements.
It seems to me that it will be very wearisome to be a man.
Poetry is an affair of sanity, of seeing things as they are.
If children are studying the 20th century, I'm in their text books.
I have not practiced how to be a singer without an instrument.