And I took a long time to appreciate Lynch.
Books are divided into two classes, the books of the hour and the books of all time.
Women put guys through tests all the time.
I was a carpenter for a time and everybody watches what you do.
There was a time when self-promotion was considered so verboten, especially for authors.
I'm not big on regret; I don't spend a lot of time on it.
It takes a long time to publish a book.
This is the sense of the desert hills, that there is room enough and time enough.
I was just lucky I lived in this time of mass-market paperbacks.
I don't mind my work being a record of the time it was written in.
My books have contradictions all the time - and people are fine with that.
Truth, at the wrong time, can be dangerous.
A historian is battling all the time to remember as much as possible.
Don't wait. The time will never be just right.
We are condemned to kill time, thus we die bit by bit.
Never the time and the place and the loved one all together!
Each time dawn appears, the mystery is there in its entirety.
Only a fool expects to be happy all the time.
The absurdist stuff wasn't terribly popular at the time I was doing it.
There is a time when even justice brings harm.
I mix Indian instruments with Western instruments all the time.