There is nothing more important in life than love.
This is my life. I love it.
The facts of life are very stubborn things.
The measure of a life, after all, is not its duration, but its donation.
Life is made of ever so many partings welded together.
I've been a Democrat all my life.
You need to write on your own and produce your own life.
Above our life we love a steadfast friend.
Life is pain and the enjoyment of love is an anesthetic.
The richness of life lies in memories we have forgotten.
Rhythm is the life of space of time danced through.
I need eclectic people in my life.
My father was always so mingled with rage at his life.
I don't really have a social life.
Therapy was the biggest romance of my life.
Children make your life important.
Passionate hatred can give meaning and purpose to an empty life.
The heyday of woman's life is the shady side of fifty.
The function of the novelist... is to comment upon life as he sees it.
The life so short, the crafts so long to learn.
Life is what we make it, always has been, always will be.