In wartime, everyone's birthday turns into a commemoration of something so sad.
Kiss my ass Rath Roiben Rye
Life: I’ll never understand it.
Count the deed, not the thought.
Fire will save the Clan
This ravishing world. This achingly bittersweet, ravishing world.
You are my life now.
The best secrets are the most twisted
I fart in your general direction.
No true hero ever believes that they are one.
Only the poor are handicapped by honor.
The change of the word does not alter the matter
Art is long, and Time is fleeting.
Love is a dangerous angel.
All friendships are negotiations of power.
It's wrong to anticipate evil.
The gift blesses the giver.
By the hairy balls of Jesus
The Warrior of the Light meditates.
My cock was hard, but my spirit wasn't in it.
...the half-concealed disasters that constitute a life.