Indeed there's a woundy luck in names.
The first sentence of a book is a promise.
The Army was my bread and butter.
As you think, so shall you become.
It's all been satirized for your protection.
Fascism is when corporations become the government.
I'm proud to call myself a Mashable alumnus.
Evil is easy, and has infinite forms.
Fashion is so over the top.
Despair has its own calms.
Tears are words that need to be written.
Eternity ended ten years ago.
We need to police ourselves in the media.
Nigera is what it is because its leaders are not what they should be.
Everything for me becomes allegory.
Let your performance do the thinking.
I'm really interested in people's decisions.
Exuberance is better than taste.
Fearlessness can be its own form of power.
Punishment is lame, but it comes.
The world is charged with the grandeur of God.