What is life without incompatible realities?
This is America, not a banana republic.
Deal-making goes on with any job.
As the purse is emptied, the heart is filled.
Genius: the superhuman in man.
The flesh is the surface of the unknown.
Loving is half of believing.
Melancholy is the happiness of being sad.
I'm very wary of news on television.
There are a thousand ways to play any role.
Democracy is indispensable to socialism.
The goal of socialism is communism.
It is not enough to conquer; one must learn to seduce.
We never live; we are always in the expectation of living.
The secret of being a bore... is to tell everything.
Governments need to have both shepherds and butchers.
We cannot wish for that we know not.
The world is always in movement.
A cat only has itself.
They are able because they think they are able.
The medicine increases the disease.