Pass down the good that I do unto you when you are done with it
A lot of writing's going down dead ends that don't go anywhere.
Have a heart which does not trample down simplicity and humility.
It's always almost Autumn, down here at Rock Bottom.
Of course it's difficult to turn anything down when Mike Nichols calls you personally.
We should not look down on our first ancestors.
If I'm hunting down gifts, I like to buy locally.
When my journal appears, many statues must come down.
Going down in history is a dead end pursuit
Love will never let you down, if you don't give it up
A dog teaches a boy fidelity, perseverance, and to turn around three times before lying down.
Never look down on someone unless your helping them up.
Define your mantras, your adages, and bear down repetitively -- over and over and over!
Hands burn for a stone, a bomb, to shiver down the glass. Nothing's changed.
It is no exaggeration to say that the rich own most of what there is that is not nailed down.
What we are about to have here is a holy water smack down!
You cannot raise a man up by calling him down.
If one does well in life compliment; but do not bow down to their success.
But the ultimate lesson is just sit down and write. That's all.
I don't take criticism lying down.
I think it all comes down to motivation. If you really want to do something, you will work hard for it.