It seems to me that God would not have endowed us with a mind and a sense of curiosity if he did not mean for us to use it.
I am for violence if non-violence means we continue postponing a solution to the American black man's problem just to avoid violence.
The green revolution has an entirely different meaning to most people in the affluent nations of the privileged world than to those in the developing nations of the forgotten world.
God desires that man should be. God does not wish to be alone. The meaning of existence is the conquest of loneliness, the acquisition of kinship and nearness.
To be a poet is to place pleasure, beauty and sensual delights front and centre, it means having a predilection for debauchery.
If it can affect me, if it has meaning to me, if I feel I can do it well, I will do it and record it and thats why I recorded these songs.
Is there Gawker ethics? I mean, I guess there's Gawker ethics. It's a dangerous thing to talk about.
Leadership is a greater change process. It means getting to lead all those who told you that you will never get too far." neculaifantanaru . com
Charlie Rangel was writing laws on our taxes as chair of the Ways and Means Committee while somehow neglecting to pay his own.
The years go so fast. I mean, I just realized that at the end of the year I will be twenty-two, and I just turned twenty-one.
And then when they picked me as premiere, I don't think I feel, you know, different. For me, the position mean responsibility, but that's all.
Yes, I mean like you know, having studied with Yehudi Menuhin that is like some direct route into Bach, because he was one of the foremost interpreters of Bach for the violin.
Just because you're in a situation, doesn't mean you have to be that situation. You're not the situation you're in!
Kill them. Kill them all. Remind the world what it means to be Arya. Remind the world what it is to walk with the gods. – Syoddhan Kauravya
Kill them. Kill them all. Remind the world what it means to be Arya. Remind the world what it is to walk with the gods. – Syoddhan Kauravyaw
DivX Plus Streaming is adaptive bit rate streaming solutions, which means it works by detecting a user bandwidth and CPU capacity in real time and adjusting the quality of the video stream accordingly.
Our freedom through Christ means we are all free to love one another and to serve one another.
The whole idea of equal justice under law means that you've got to play by the rules. It has nothing to do with the underlying subject matter. You just tell the truth.
We've been using 'rejuvenate,' meaning to restore youth, to make young again, as a verb for at least 200 years.
Occupy Wall Street means making Wall Street and the corporate power elite understand that the people affected by the binge of unregulated greed are not going away, and they are not going to give up.
We come out of Jewish-refugee, Holocaust stock, which means that our predecessors fled and we learned that systems of power are vulnerable to corruption and can treat the defenseless in a destructive fashion.