Jake from 'Two and a Half Men' means nothing. He is a non-existent character.
Men's minds must be free, and that means the minds of all, not the minds of a select few.
Being a mom kind of grounded me in a way. Your body takes on a whole new meaning.
The sea has neither meaning nor pity.
Becoming conscious of racism does not mean you are a racist.
I mean, my girls are very sweet; I'm very proud of all of of them.
To be an artist means never to avert one's eyes.
To be challenged means to strive. I'm almost certain that's true.
Temperance is a mean with regard to pleasures.
If you smile when you are alone, then you really mean it.
By myth I mean the arrangement of the incidents
The term 'triage' normally means deciding who gets attention first.
War is the continuation of politics by other means.
I mean, the last thing I want to do is be involved in politics.
I mean if politics was my main motivation I would be doing politics. But I'm a filmmaker.
If I have affected someone in a positive way, that means a lot to me.
'Punk' doesn't mean Mohawks and safety pins. It's about not conforming.
i have never advocated war except as a mean of peace
If Russia rises, it means that the USA falls down.
Anything that can be done chemically can be done by other means.
The right to do something does not mean that doing it is right.