If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.
Extraordinary magic is woven through ordinary life. Look around!
To understand the *True Meaning Of Life*, just ~Study~ the *EveryDay WoMen*!!
When I became too much myself, I had to change my life.
Life is a mystery- mystery of beauty, bliss and divinity. Meditation is the art of unfolding that mystery.
The beauty of a person's life is only an activity done with an unselfish intention for anyone in his life.
Rewards of life lived with principles; bloom, when life is about to end or has departed already.
If you are willing to go out on a limb, the tree of life holds endless possibilities.
Basketball is not just a game its a way of living if you apply it to everyday life.
life has got to be allowed to continue even after the dream of life is-all-over.
If someone tells you, Life is too short He/she never waited for someone.
A normal life? Now that’s the real fairytale." From UNDER MY SKIN
Every evening words, not stars, light the sky. No rest in life like life itself.
Once I ran out of excuses, I reclaimed my life. Now, I don't need excuses.
I do not read for I have renounced life, I read because one life is just not enough for me.
All my life I have lived within the very hours of the hands of love.
I want my life back. -Dear Blue Sky
Love, trust, sincerity and sex key element of happy married life.
Life is like defusing a bomb, once you cut the wrong wire your whole life is ruined.
I waste every breathe of my life trying to be the best nobody has ever been.
You haven't lived life, until you can or are able to tell someone, they are the essence of your life.