When a dog is really comfortable, they give off a certain scent and you can smell it on their paws.
Booboo StewartTiger the dog had a showdown with a fast moving flower truck in the middle of the street and lost.
Barry WilliamsI remember thinking, 'Downward dog' is so not a resting pose!' Now it actually can be.
Jennifer NettlesIf you don't want your dog to have bad breath, do what I do: Pour a little Lavoris in the toilet.
Jay LenoPeople who keep dogs are cowards who haven't got the guts to bite people themselves.
August StrindbergIf you are a dog and your owner suggests that you wear a sweater suggest that he wear a tail.
Fran LebowitzAmerica is a large friendly dog in a small room. Every time it wags its tail it knocks over a chair.
Arnold J. ToynbeeI'm afraid we'll see reporters stop chasing quotes around the same time dogs stop chasing cars.
Daniel Okrent