The implication of AKC registration is that a dog who has it is better than a dog who hasn't.
A lot of married people certainly have wonderful relationships with their dogs, but when you're single and your dog is the only other living thing in your house, it's a really special relationship which I wanted CATHY to have.
Those who sleep with dogs gets up with fleas.
Every dog is a great barker at the door of his own house.
He who rides a camel should not be afraid of dogs.
He who does not feed the dog feeds the thief.
The old dog barks while he is sitting down.
Better have a dog for your friend than your enemy.
I would rather have a dog as a friend than an enemy.
The man who has mounted an elephant will not fear the bark of a dog.
If a flea had money, it would buy its own dog.
You cannot tie up a dog with a chain of sausages.
It is up to the people to feed the dogs; it's up to the Cardias to feed the Turks.
Be on your guard against a silent dog and still water.
If a monkey is amongst dogs, why won't it start barking.
Your dog wishes you a long life.
If I had a dog as daft, I would shoot him.
Conscience is the dog that can't bite, but never stops barking.
You can't teach an old dog new tricks.
If you're out to beat a dog, you're sure to find a stick.
We could, you know, go out for hot dogs. Don’t worry—they’re not actually dogs. It’s just a name. They’re these meat things that you put on buns—that’s a kind of bread—and then you top them with other things and—” ...