'Sophie's Choice' is actually the reason I became an actress.
It can get a bit boring working on accents.
I was the Pink Pansy or whatever, wearing this crazy thing.
The key to acting is less acting and just reacting.
I answer a fan with a hearing heart first.
I've had a lot of tragic hairdos and outfits.
Good metaphysics has its roots in good physics.
I'm always for the person who speaks their mind.
Workers insist that they are not disgruntled. They are very gruntled.
Shakespeare is where I live. I adore him.
Honesty has always worked for me.
A fabulous pair of shoes? I have to have willpower.
Heroism in a bad cause.
Mortality is very different when you're 20 to when you're 50.
Every job feels like my first.
Acting has always been such escapism for me.
The historian is a prophet looking backward.
In true prose everything must be underlined.
Aphorisms are the true form of the universal philosophy.
I think I'm a soulful singer.
Generally, I find a lot to be grateful for.