Love means never having to say you're a zero.
It would be Spiderman. I'd love to be Peter Parker.
I'd love to try my hand at something else.
I love doing serious movies for adults.
I'm just a woman in love with another woman.
It's important for us to latch onto the people that we love.
I love playing characters that have secrets.
I'd love to work with Sean Penn or Kevin Spacey.
I love doing voiceover work.
I love the stage, but it doesn't pay the mortgage.
I'd love to play Puck in 'A Midsummer Night's Dream.'
We are what we love.
Geography does not define you - love does.
If you love animals, please don't eat them.
I love the fast lane.
I love to tease men with my legs.
People love to watch a train wreck, I suppose.
And all for love, and nothing for reward.
I really love animals and enjoy working with them.
'Cinema Paradiso' is a fantastic film, I love that.
I love doing the stunts. It's as simple as that.