I prefer to watch people.
I've been a staunch Republican.
The optimum committee has no members.
I want to keep people guessing.
I actually have a lot of guilty pleasures.
I'm a plethora of stolen jokes and kitschy references.
My parents own a restaurant in Albuquerque.
I manage to live pretty normally.
I'm not a very dark person.
I'm ballsy. Well, sometimes I'm ballsy.
Do what you're told, and everything will be all right.
In general, comedians are attracted to vice.
I have huge chunks of time when I'm not working.
I'm gonna be a character in a Happy Meal.
Debra Winger blows me away, always.
I've always been very animated.
Jake Johnson is one of my oldest friends.
You're not a slave to those test audiences.
I'm a Red-baiter; I'm a witch-hunter if the witches are Communists.
My only scheme was to be a rapper.
I've owned mopeds in the past.